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Sometimes we want to run only certain parts of a pipeline, or we might want to split a pipeline up into different targets. For instance, a test run, and then later on a deploy run. Categories can help achieve that.


Categories are applied to Modules by using the [ModuleCategory] attribute.


Categories to run or ignore are configured on the PipelineHostBuilder.

Run Categories

If "Run Categories" have been set with some values, only Modules that have any of those categories will be run. If a module has none of those categories, it will not run.

Ignore Categories

If "Ignore Categories" have been set with some values, if a Module has one of those categories, it will not run.

Example of Running Specific Categories

await PipelineHostBuilder.Create()
.RunCategories("UnitTest", "IntegrationTest")

Example of Ignoring Specific Categories

await PipelineHostBuilder.Create()
.IgnoreCategories("Publish", "Deploy")