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Defining Modules

Defining Modules

Modules are defined by creating a class that inherits from the Module<T> base class.

T is the type of object that your Module will return, and that object can be seen by other Modules (if they depend on it.) You can also just inherit from Module which will assume you're returning a dictionary of data. You can also return Nothing, which will be explained further down.

public class FindAFileModule : Module<FileInfo>
protected async Task<FileInfo?> ExecuteAsync(IPipelineContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
return context.FileSystem
.GetFiles("C:\\", SearchOption.AllDirectories, file => file.Name == "MyJsonFile.json")

// or
return NothingAsync();

You can also override things such as Timeouts, OnBefore and OnAfter methods, on a module by module basis.