Command Line Flags
--diagnostic Enable the diagnostic logging. The default log level is 'Trace'. The file will be written in the output directory with the name log_[MMddHHssfff].diag
--diagnostic-filelogger-synchronouswrite Force the built-in file logger to write the log synchronously. Useful for scenario where you don't want to lose any log (i.e. in case of crash). Note that this is slowing down the test execution.
--diagnostic-output-directory Output directory of the diagnostic logging. If not specified the file will be generated inside the default 'TestResults' directory.
--diagnostic-output-fileprefix Prefix for the log file name that will replace '[log]_.'
--diagnostic-verbosity Define the level of the verbosity for the --diagnostic. The available values are 'Trace', 'Debug', 'Information', 'Warning', 'Error', and 'Critical'.
--exit-on-process-exit Exit the test process if dependent process exits. PID must be provided.
--help Show the command line help.
--ignore-exit-code Do not report non successful exit value for specific exit codes (e.g. '--ignore-exit-code 8;9' ignore exit code 8 and 9 and will return 0 in these case)
--info Display .NET test application information.
--list-tests List available tests.
--minimum-expected-tests Specifies the minimum number of tests that are expected to run.
--results-directory The directory where the test results are going to be placed. If the specified directory doesn't exist, it's created. The default is TestResults in the directory that contains the test application.
--timeout A global test execution timeout. Takes one argument as string in the format [h|m|s] where 'value' is float.
--coverage Collect the code coverage using dotnet-coverage tool
--coverage-output Output file
--coverage-output-format Output file format. Supported values: 'coverage', 'xml' and 'cobertura'
--coverage-settings XML code coverage settings
--disable-logo Disables the TUnit logo when starting a test session
--fail-fast Cancel the test run after the first test failure
--hide-test-output Hide Test Output
--maximum-parallel-tests Maximum Parallel Tests
--no-ansi Disable outputting ANSI escape characters to screen.
--no-progress Disable reporting progress to screen.
--output Output verbosity when reporting tests. Valid values are 'Normal', 'Detailed'. Default is 'Normal'.
--report-trx Enable generating TRX report
--report-trx-filename The name of the generated TRX report
--test-parameter Custom parameters to pass to TUnit
--treenode-filter Use a tree filter to filter down the tests to execute