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Test Set Ups

Most setup for a test can be performed in the constructor (think setting up mocks, assigning fields.)

However some scenarios require further setup that could be an asynchronous operation. E.g. pinging a service to wake it up in preparation for the tests.

For this, we can declare a method with a [Before(...)] or a [GlobalBefore(...)] attribute.

  • [Before(EachTest)] methods should NOT be static, and they will be executed repeatedly before each test in their class starts.

  • [Before(Class)] methods SHOULD be static, and they will be executed only once, before any test in their class starts.

  • [Before(Assembly)] methods SHOULD be static, and they will be executed only once, before any test in their assembly starts.

  • All [GlobalBefore(...)] methods SHOULD be static, and they will follow the same behaviour as above, but fire for every test/class/assembly that is being run in the test session.

Methods will be executed bottom-up, so the base class set ups will execute first and then the inheriting classes.

using TUnit.Core;

namespace MyTestProject;

public class MyTestClass
private int _value;
private static HttpResponseMessage? _pingResponse;

public static async Task Ping()
_pingResponse = await new HttpClient().GetAsync("https://localhost/ping");

public async Task Setup()
await Task.CompletedTask;

_value = 99;

public async Task Test()
await Assert.That(_value).Is.EqualTo(99);
await Assert.That(_pingResponse?.StatusCode).Is.Not.Null().And.Is.EqualTo(HttpStatusCode.OK);